Sysmä / Pizza Kebab Fantasia / Get directions to Pizza Kebab Fantasia

Get directions to Pizza Kebab Fantasia, Sysmä

Sysmäntie 43, 19700 Sysmä, Finland
Closed (Will open Today in 10:30)
4.1 1 rating
9 pictures
Route to Pizza Kebab Fantasia
How long will it take
Distance, km
Opening hours
Monday Today
10:30 — 20:00
10:30 — 20:00
10:30 — 20:00
10:30 — 20:00
10:30 — 20:00
10:30 — 20:00
12:00 — 20:00
Located nearby
Vellamontie 4, 19700 Sysmä, Finland
4 / 5
351 meter
Sysmäntie 16, 19700 Sysmä, Finland
4.4 / 5
406 m
Suopellontie 644, 19700 Sysmä, Finland
4 / 5
5 km
Get directions to Pizza Kebab Fantasia: Sysmäntie 43, 19700 Sysmä, Finland (~Located in the central part Sysmä — 306 m). You are on this page because you are most likely looking for: Pizza Kebab Fantasia Sysmä, Finland, pizza restaurant or restaurant, route. To get a route to a specified place, you need to enable geolocation in your browser so that a car route to this place can be built.
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